Mentoring for children and young people

AGDW e.V. (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für die eine Welt) - MefJu - Mentor*innen für Jugendliche

70178 Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg
Medium German skills
Approx. 2 h per week
Direct contact
  • Kids & Teenagers
  • Migrants & Refugees
  • Education & Language Support
  • Equal Opportunities
  • Mentoring, Sponsoring & Career Coaching

About the volunteering opportunity

MefJu is a program that brings together volunteer mentors and children and young people (aged 8 to 25) and provides them with intensive support during the mentoring process.

Through mentoring, young people are strengthened during a challenging phase of their lives and receive support in successfully completing their school career, career guidance, language acquisition and participation in social life.

Together with the volunteer mentors, the young people's self-confidence is strengthened and resources are activated in order to develop life prospects.

Your Tasks

Would you like to share your knowledge & experience? Do you have patience and about 2 hours a week?

Do you enjoy learning with and from children and young people?

Then we have an idea:

Become a mentor and accompany a young person in a challenging phase of their life.

We offer you support in the mentoring process, networking opportunities and an exchange of experiences.

What's needed

For this volunteering opportunity, intermediate German skills are required.

Openness, enjoyment in dealing with people, sense of responsibility, patience, enjoyment in learning with and from children and young people

Time required

Approx. 2 hours per week.


AGDW e.V. (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für die eine Welt) - MefJu - Mentor*innen für Jugendliche

For more than 45 years, the "Arbeitsgemeinschaft für die eine Welt" has been working for refugees and migrants living permanently or temporarily in Stuttgart and Baden-Württemberg, regardless of age, gender, religion, political views and ethnicity (

The programme MefJu - Mentors for young people is one of the association's working areas. It is about individual support of young people between 8 and 25 years of age from difficult family situations through volunteer mentors (

More about the organisation
70178 Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg
Medium German skills
Approx. 2 h per week
Direct contact
70178 Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg
Medium German skills
Approx. 2 h per week
Direct contact